Cicada is a midi controller for Grasshopper firstly created in OK Arduino 2014 workshop but where released in 2015. With this toolset it is possible to send MIDI notes and controllers via Rhino(Win) 4 & 5/Grasshopper to any virsual or external devices. The latest version released on 2018 got compatible with later versions of Rhino andd DotNet; however, not compatible with MacOS yet.
Cicada is percicely desined for musicians and no
Cicada provides Grasshopper the ability to control MIDI devices and also playing music via using software or MIDI support instrument.
In Cicada for Rhino 5, the core is powered by MidiDotNet released by Tom Lokovic while the Latest release implements Melanchal.DrayWetMidi with some modification to improve running in Grasshopper;
I have tested this project, but it is the first release and it might contain still bugs. Please use it “as is”, it does not come with warranties. , please give credit where credit is due. Other additional text.