Arduino is an interface tool for creating a sort of computer-like device, which not only the senses, our surrounding physical space but makes changes to that. In other words, this tool is a physical computer platform supplied by a single microcontroller board. Arduino can receive input data from several sensors and send control commands to lights, motors, pumps, switches, and other physical actuators to approach some interactive objects. Accessing quickly to this Arduino makes this device this popular for artists and architects all over the world; with no expected knowledge of robotics and electronics, it makes them able to not only discover their surrounding world differently but also come up with some inventions in responsive and interactive fields or customize their design tools.
Heteroduino is an easy-to-use plug-in that was created to operate at the same time with various sensors and actuators via Arduino boards in the Grasshopper environment to improve the use of Arduino for architects.
Heteroduinio codes were initially written during a workshop in 2014 named “OK Arduino. However, it officially entered the world in 2015 for Tech Studio at Pars University and was widely used in Iaac Summer School 2016 in Teheran.
The immediate release of Heteroduino was designed to work with only the Arduino UNO board and compatible with both “Firefly Firmata” and “Heteroduino Firmata.” But to activate Ultrasonic Sensors or Stepper Motors, program your Arduino with “Heteroduino Firmata.
The second release of this plug-in offers a better operation to communicate with serial ports. Still, it has more specialized components to work with Arduino UNO and Arduino Mega boards, automatically detecting the board. Also, it supported up to 8 stepper motors, eight sonar sensors, and 16 analog sensors with each Mega Board and supported multiple Arduino at the same time.
The first release of Heteroduino was molded by:
Amin Bahrami, Hoda Farzaneh, Sonay Servatkhah, Niloufar Najafi, and for the next version, Ali and Samira Ghasemi were involved in debugging process during a workshop as tutor assistants.